مرغرين كريما للمعجنات  / Ustam Cream Oil

Leziz pasta ve çikolata kremaları, ağızda dağılan un kurabiyeleri için...
Kremabör, çikolata sosları, torba kurabiye ve kurabiye çeşitlerine özel bitkisel pastacılık margarinidir.
 Ürün Özellikleri
  • Nötr bir tada sahip olduğundan aromaları kolaylıkla bünyesine alır.
  • Gelişmiş formülü ile nihai ürünlerde lezzet koku ve muhteşem beyazlık verir.
  • Şekillendirme özelliği ile zamandan ve emekten tasarruf sağlar.
  • Gıdaya uygun naylon torba iç ambalajı ve 10 kg'lık mukavva kolisi ile temiz saklama koşulu ve kolaylığı sağlar.
Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Noktalar
Ürünler oda sıcaklığında muhafaza edilmeli (16-20 derece) kesinlikle fırın altlarında muhafaza edilmemelidir.
Ustam Cream
This product is ideal for creams, custards, chocolate sauces, butter cookies, biscuits and several other desserts. This product, made form organic vegetable oils, melts in your mouth like butter. Thanks to this quality, it does not leave an after-taste and your pastries will be light and tasty. It is not flavoured yet, due to its advanced formula, it instantly assumes flavours of other added ingredients. Using Ustam Krema, you will enjoy delectable, full-flavoured and amazingly “white” pastries. Pastry cooking takes less time and effort thanks to the easy moulding quality of Ustam Krema. Now you can enjoy lighter and spongier pastries that stay fresh for a longer time. When you use Ustam Krema instead of whipping cream to make creams, icing or sauces, you willl not only be amazed at the amount you will save on the cost but also your pastries will stay fresh for a long period of time too. If you choose to use Ustam Krema when making cookies and chocolate sauces, you will increase the quality of your products thanks to its special formula that makes desserts melt in your mouth. When appreciating its quality and price, do not forget that it is made from 100%